This is a short monologue I've been working on for the past couple of weeks. Hope you guys like it:
Who am I? I am an idea… a thought… a product of the imagination. I am every book you’ve ever read, every song you’ve ever heard, every concept that has ever come across your mind. I have no name, for I can be whatever you perceive me to be: your Great Adventure, your Wild Fantasy, your Frightful Thrill. Do you know who I am? I am the gateway to fiction.
There are those who embrace me, and yet there are those who despise my very existence. Many have passed by my door, not even sparing a glance, for their minds are set, and reality is their only home. It grieves me to see them, these dull minds who have forgotten how to imagine. Their souls are empty, and their labor bears nothing of true value.
And why hate me? I am not useless. There are many who come in and out of my door merrily, returning with the fruits of my world in order to nourish their own. I can offer you anything that your reality refuses to yield. So what do you request of me? Is it the warmth of a charming romance? Or perhaps a pulse-pounding journey through perilous lands? I even offer the comfort of escape for those who do not wish to linger on the troubles of their reality.
I have but one limitation: the ability to comprehend the mindset of another. You might try to imagine his experience, in happiness or misery, but when darkness shrouds reality, the true tortures of his own mind evade you. As I said, and I do not lie, I can only grant what you desire to see.
So this is my world. Are you interested? My door is always open and never hidden. Just one word of warning before you go. Be wary of how far you venture. For there are some, I regret to say, that have traveled far beyond my world’s horizon, where my gate is no longer visible. Do not follow these fools, for those who confuse my world with their own have found it a trifle difficult to find their way back.
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